Select the type of agreement and enter, you can get a discount – you can use SP, SH or PY, but make sure that the discount box should be enabled The calculation of the condition contract always calculates the provisions and amounts A / P or A / R with different types of billings in real time. Therefore, if a contract has been drawn up retroactively, it is not necessary to execute additional regeneration reports or re-establish tables, as in the ERP logic, but all documents that meet the contract criteria are automatically selected. Select this checkbox if you want the system to use the exchange date of the remittance agreement for currency conversion. After selecting this check box, select the pricing date in the Pricing Date box. For the Canadian public sector, the mode of use also determines the discount on non-refundable VAT. VAT reductions are calculated on the basis of the statutory reduction rates set for each public service. If discounts are less expensive, you do goods-related billing as credit accounting to create credit with the supplier as the payer. If a discount contract reflects a service provided to the supplier, you perform the billing as a receivable in order to establish an invoice for the supplier. Select this checkbox if you want to generate provisions when returning to credit shipments for orders associated with this discount agreement. Provisions for RTV transactions have a negative discount amount. The discount agreement takes into account all partial payments.
The amount of payments can be unlimited when adjusting to the cumulative provisions of the set of conditions, to the amount that would be paid if the final settlement were currently made. Select the billing method for the discount agreement. The values are proof of adaptation, check, credit, direct debit, design and electronic transfer. Enter the activities and due dates related to the discount agreement. You can also mark when these activities have been completed. Please also note that if discounts are made without depending on a material, but on a customer/material, you must refer to a billing material. Depending on the billing method you have chosen, select either the AR payment terms or the AP payment terms. The system uses this field to calculate the days of default. Enter a value if a maximum discount amount is available for this discount agreement. This value is expressed in the currency of the discount contract. The billing function includes a detailed list of all items chosen for the statement.
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